
If you want to reach Marmaris Selimiye by bus, you have to come to Marmaris first. Today, you can find flights to Marmaris from almost every city, especially in summer. From here, you can reach Selimiye Village by taxi or by using city transportation, minibuses and minibuses. You can reach Selimiye by renting a jeep and enjoying the excitement of safari.

If you prefer the airline, the closest airport to the region is Dalaman Airport. It is about 150 kilometers away. After reaching here, you can reach Selimiye by shuttles or by using the city transportation facilities.

For those who prefer the highway, after reaching Marmaris, you pass to Selimiye via İçmeler. Some road information for those who want to reach with their own vehicle are as follows:

  •  Between Marmaris - Selimiye is approx. 45 kilometers and takes 45 minutes.

  •  Between İzmir - Selimiye is approx. 315 kilometers and takes 4 hours.

  •  Between İstanbul - Selimiye is approx. 800 kilometers and takes 11 hours.

  •  Between Bursa - Selimiye is approx. 620 kilometers and takes 8 hours.

  •  Between Ankara - Selimiye is approx. 700 kilometers and takes 9 hours.
